27/03/2019 – MUDI company trip to Chiangmai, Thailand
After two years since our last company outing in Moganshan, we finally managed to organize yet another amazing trip, but this time in Chiangmai, Thailand! The whole MUDI team joined the 4 days of fun, relax and team building activities in the famous thai northern city.
Very productive and entertaining round table discussions were held in our beautiful resort. Everyone in the team had the chance actively participate and speak up about issues and virtues of the working environment at MUDI and to propose alternative solutions and improvements. Getting cozy and closer one another for few hours helped to know each other better and strengthen our bond as co-workers and friends.
In our trip to a local market and to an organic farm in the countryside we learnt about local plants, herbs and the fundamental ingredients of the famous thai cuisine.
Two teams challenged each other at cooking class, trying to create from scratch a curry paste, a curry soup and fried rolls under the patient supervision of our cooking teachers.
Our trip ended with an insanely fun 8 Km rafting expedition in the forest in the North of Chiangmai. With the help of our local guides, we spend a memorable day on our inflatable kayaks surrounded by the beautiful natural forest. No casualties or injuries were recorded. No elephants or other wild animals have been exploited during this trip